Visitor and Community Information

Travelling to Urapuntja and Our Office


Road Directions

If you use the Google Map to find Urapuntja or Utopia, it may direct you to the wrong location. Google map directions to Utopia may take you to the Utopia Homestead, a landmark from a bygone era.

Call our office for the current directions to Arlparra if you are in doubt, but avoid relying on Google to tell you where the current Utopia or Urapuntja is located.

Tip: Use the co-ordinates on our Google Earth Map image on this page for accurate directions to Arlparra and our location. Simply copy and paste it into your Google Map or Google Earth and away you go. Our Google Earth Map coordinates are: 22°05’21.2″S 134°46’21.9″E


Road Travel to Urapuntja

  • During periods of heavy rain, usually in the Wet Season, unsealed roads become flooded, making them impassable, resulting in road and highway closures.

  • Check weather and road and community closures before travelling, particularly during the Wet Season and ceremony time.


  • Avoid at all costs travelling at night or sunset. Travel during daylight hours to reduce the risks of accident, injury and death to people and wildlife. Visibility is poor, there are no road lights in this region, and wildlife are regularly traversing the highway at this time, often sight unseen.

  • Exercise caution driving on unsealed roads to Urapuntja. Accidents happen, even for those experienced on these roads.

  • Check your vehicle is fit for driving on these roads with a large enough petrol tank to drive hours without access to a petrol station.
  • There are no shops or petrol stations for a few hours, until you reach Arlparra where there is a community store.

  • Check you’re prepared for an emergency, to be able to change a tyre, or use a satellite phone, should your car break down. Ensure you have a torch, adequate bottled water, food supplies and a First Aid kit for your journey, as you may be waiting a long time in the desert if your vehicle breaks down.

  • It’s a bumpy ride that lasts for a few hours on unsealed roads layered with corrugated iron.

  • Dress comfortably, wear sunnies to protect your eyes against the harsh sun, and bring a cushion for your passenger, or yourself for extra padding on the seats.

  • Many areas of the Urapuntja region, including the homelands, has zero cellphone network coverage. The nearest cellphone coverage is at Arlparra with Telstra cellphone network coverage. But the network coverage isn’t 100 percent reliable.

  • Finally, let people at your departing location, and at your Urapuntja destination, know the exact time you start driving to the Homelands, and your expected time of arrival. When you arrive, immediately contact an agreed person with cellphone coverage in Urapuntja to let them know you’ve arrived. So they know you’ve arrived safely.

Local Wildlife

Please be mindful of the wildlife that may cross your path. Don’t touch the snakes, they can be venomous. Wild horses, donkeys, kangaroos, birds, and big lizards like goannas roam freely. They also use the highway roads, often unexpectedly, when you least expect it. Be alert, slow down to let them cross the road.

Arlparra Office

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am to 4.30pm

Weekend Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays: Emergencies only

Location: Lot 20, Arlparra , Sandover Highway, NT

Telephone: 08 8956 9099


Urapuntja Aboriginal Corporation office at Lot 20, Arlparra, Urapuntja Utopia Central Australia

Visiting Urapuntja Homelands

If you are a non-resident, and plan to visit or travel to Urapuntja Homelands, it is a legal requirement to apply for a written land permit to enter or stay. 

Like other landowners in Australia, Aboriginal people have the legal right to grant or refuse permission to people wishing to enter or travel through their land. 

A land permit is written permission from Traditional Owners to enter private land on their homelands. This is similar to gaining access to a private farm or station. The permit system is designed to help protect the privacy of Aboriginal communities, preserve Aboriginal culture, safeguard sacred sites and the natural environment, and promote visitor safety.

Apply for a land permit to Central Land Council at

Permits are a legal requirement under Australian Federal and Northern Territory (NT) laws.

Urapuntja Homelands Resource Centre

The Urapuntja Homelands Resource Centre at Arlparra is operated and maintained by the Urapuntja Aboriginal Corporation, that’s us.

WiFi hotspot and computer room is available for homeland residents and families here.

Monday to Friday

At the Centre, we provide breakfast on set days from Monday to Friday. Pancake breakfast on Friday from 8am to 10am. Everyone is welcome. 

Shower, toilet and kitchen facilities are available at the Homelands Centre between 8am to 1pm, as noted on our Facebook. 

Always check back on our Facebook for the latest information.

Urapuntja Homelands Resource Centre, at Arlparra.
Urapuntja Homelands Resource Centre

Follow Us

Facebook Page for Urapuntja Aboriginal Corporation

There are a few pages on Facebook and Instagram with our names on it. But these pages are the only official pages for Urapuntja Aboriginal Corporation on Facebook and Instagram.

You can find regular information on community events and notices there, plus our News/Events page on this website.

This covers after school events and weekend at the basketball courts, and other community-wide activities organised collaboratively. We thank our partners and stakeholders for collaboration and working together with us to support our Homeland residents.

Our local community stakeholders are Police, Urapuntja Health Service, Arlparra store, and Barkly Regional Shire.

Instagram front page for Urapuntja Aboriginal Corporation
Urapuntja Homelands

Community Store

This community store at Arlparra is small to medium sized and serves the Urapuntja Homelands. Clothing, hot food and takeaways can be purchased, as well as fruit, vegetables and meats. Petrol is also available.

Please note the opening and closing hours each day.

Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 9am to 12pm; and 2.00pm to 5pm. Saturday: 9am to 12pm. Sunday: Closed.

Urapuntja Health Service

Visit their website at  Ph 08 8956 9875. Fax 08 8956 9863.

Urapuntja Health Service Aboriginal Corporation (UHSAC) has a clinic with outreach service staffed by nurses, SEWB workers and a doctor. 

Situated at 30 mins drive on sealed road from Arlparra. They have a new medical health building opened in August 2020, with separate seating for men and women. 

Police Station

Police stationed at Arlparra cover the Urapuntja homelands, plus the community of Ampilatwatja.

Telephone: 08 8956 9164  Emergency Phone: 000

Community Movie Night
Once a month, Aboriginal Police Liaison Officers, residents in the Urapuntja Homelands, host a family movie night for the whole community at the local Arlparra police station.  This popular family gathering for young and old alike, particularly children and youth, is well attended by homelands residents, since it began a few years ago. The movie night is only made possible, thanks to the collective resources of in kind support or donation from Urapuntja Aboriginal Corporation, Urapuntja Health Service, the Arlparra Store, and the Barkly Shire. It begins with a healthy meal and BBQ, before the family movie screening outdoors depending on the weather, followed by a sweet treat, where available, for children and youth. 

Check out our Urapuntja’s Aboriginal Corporation Facebook Page for updates on the next community movie night.


School in the homelands is Government-run and delivered and administered by the Northern Territory Government Department of Education.

Homelands Music

There's a lot of musical talent in the Urapuntja Homelands. The New Boyz Band is one of them.


There are different Christian faith denominations practised and led by family clans and residents in language on their homelands and throughout nearby communities and the region. They conduct regular services. This includes Lutheran, Methodist and Baptist. Plus the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at Mulga Bore. And the Arlparra Non-Denominational Community Church at Arlparra.

Church building is underway.
Church building underway. Local staff Travis has volunteered his time to help and learn new skills.