Urapuntja Homelands.

Urapuntja Aboriginal Corporation (UAC) is the peak body representing people living on 16 Homelands located on the Alyawarr and Angarapa Aboriginal Land Trust, spanning 3,250 square kilometres.

Utopia versus Urapuntja: Which Is It?

Maps, and people at large, usually refer to this region, and the homelands, as Utopia. The name Utopia has been in use since the 1920s. It is the name given to this area by the early settlers, and that name is still reflected in the maps of Central Australia, the Northern Territory, and on Google Maps. The Aboriginal name for this area, however, is Urapuntja. That is the name that traditional owners prefer to call this region, rather than Utopia.

Although one of our services is the Utopia Art Centre, a longstanding name known in the arts scene worldwide for decades, in all other ways, we will continue to use the Aboriginal name Urapuntja, in place of Utopia. 

We realise that it takes time for people to recognise that Urapuntja is Utopia. Therefore, where possible, we’ve bracketed Utopia alongside Urapuntja, to assist with that.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website may contain images of people who have died.

Urapuntja AC Calendar: What's On?

Do you have a community event to publish to our homeland residents? We can post it on our Facebook Page and also here on our home page. Instructions: 

  1. Scroll down to “Post an Event”.  
  2. Click on Post an Event and complete the form. 
  3. Add a graphic or photo where-ever possible so we can feature it it in picture views. 
  4. Our team will review and approve events as soon as they can. 
  5. Unless it’s an emergency event or meeting, please try to provide at least a week’s notice.

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